What is London?

What is London?

‘I think London, though charming, a most illogical city. I don’t know its boundaries: you don’t; nobody does…’1 I imagine that most people researching London’s history have probably, at some point, asked the question: what is, or was, London, anyway? The quotation above, taken from an article written by the humorist Stephen Leacock in 1925, points to the difficulty, or… Continue Reading

Forthcoming Attractions

Forthcoming Attractions

I’m very pleased to welcome you to London’s Silent Cinemas. You can read more about the background and aims of the website on the About page. I will be posting updates here of ongoing research into London’s early cinema history from time to time. If you would like contribute to this website – by sharing news of… Continue Reading

Centre for Humanities Interdisciplinary Research Projects (CHIRP)